Wear a mask: I am sick, and tired, of those, who declare, it is their right, to decide if they are going to wear a mask, & they won't do it! Since, wearing one, is not merely, for the wearer, but, to take personal, social responsibility, for the health, and well - being, of others! This pandemic is not a hoax, and, if, after, over 3 million Americans have been infected, &over 135,000 died, there are very few, acceptable reasons, to not cooperates Professional experts believe, if more people, consistently, wore a mask, the infection rate & thus, the associated death would be substantially reduced. Every time, someone goes into public, & refuses, to cooperate in this approach actions it delays beating this horrific pandemics
Shouldnt the health & well - being of citizens be the highest priority? Isn't a push - to - reopen, for economic reasons, an&when a public leader, articulates a message, equating health concerns, with money matter, isn't that a clear, and present danger? The current controversy, about reopening schools, this Fall, is probably best described, by New York's Governor Andrew Cuomo, Our children aren't guinea & pigs